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New Year...No Friends

As the new year approaches it is simply human nature to reflect on the previous year. Who you were on January 1st of 2017 more than likely would want to know "Who are you, and what have you done with (insert your name here)?" It's inevitable , 365 days has a way of changing people. Now some of these changes may be good, and some of them may be bad. Some have a way of appearing bad, but actually may be in your best interest.

Now at this point you may be thinking I'm crazy. If it appears bad, it's probably bad right? Wrong! As we all know his thoughts are not our thoughts and our ways are not his. (Isaiah 55:8-9) So when you're wondering why your friend circle is now more of a friend freckle or why your boyfriend/girlfriend broke your heart into a million tiny pieces, just remember that verse. His thoughts are NOT our thoughts. Chalk it up to "Hey if you're not traveling into 2018 with me, it's because God has something great in store for me and you would just weigh me down!" Distraction free is when you really can begin to reflect on yourself ,and become a better you (and maybe stick to a few more of them resolutions).

The hardest part of this concept is the loneliness you may feel at times. It is important to cling to those who have managed to stick by you and bring positivity to your life, and it never hurts to draw closer to Jesus. Spend time talking to him because he'll never leave you or forsake you!

So this New Year when it seems that all you've experienced is loss, loss, and you guessed it, more loss! Just know that there is a reason for everything and all things work together for good.

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