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Beauty Rest? I'd Settle for Ugly Rest!

Well It's finally here, the end of the Christmas and New Year festivities! Now if you're like me you're probably feeling pretty exhausted and depleted. No matter how many naps you take (and trust me I take a lot), you just can't seem to feel not tired or unmotivated.

As a result of the busy season I have temporarily claimed insanity in an attempt to explain away my increasing amount of *face palm* moments. Just the other day I got a craving for Kool-Aid. Sooo I picked out my flavors , and went to the canister that we keep our sugar in, I open the lid to see that it was empty. No words can express how I was feeling at this point. All I wanted was some Kool-Aid, and the only thing between me and being purely happy was some dang sugar. So I went to the store and I'm walking down the isle, I have the sugar in hand...and I look down... and to my horrification.....I'm wearing my house-shoes!!! Yep that's right. I all but throw my money at the cashier and run out the door to hurry back to the safety of my home wear I can wear my house-shoes without embarrassment, but it doesn't end there...

I resume making the Kool-Aid, and pour the sugar into the canister. Then I open the Kool-Aid packets prepared to dump them into the Kool-Aid pitcher. What happens next you're wondering? I dump the packets into the WHOLE sugar canister instead! I'm frantically trying to scoop out the sugar that has been contaminated best I can, but if anyone asks why the tea tastes like cherry I have no idea how it happened!


Now the really cool thing about being a child of God, is He is ALWAYS prepared to be our resting place, "I will lie down and sleep in peace: for you alone, O Lord make me dwell in safety.(Psalm 4:8

) Sleep, and rest are very important because you never know who you will come into contact with that needs you fully awake and alert. And when you are asleep you can be at peace knowing that though you may be asleep God is always awake. The bible speaks a lot about rest, and peace, and I think it's because God knew that our lives would get to be too stressful and tiresome at times for us to handle on our own. He was prepared to be exactly what we needed at every point in our busy lives. (Matthew 11:26) (Mark 6:31)

After the night we can begin our new day with a renewed mind and spirit ready to tackle whatever comes our way (and hopefully put on real shoes to wear in public). God's mercies are new every morning, and we should rise with him and go about our day knowing our footsteps are ordered.


**Disclaimer the above pictures are courtesy of Pinterest**

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