Recklessly Living
It's been awhile since I've wrote to you guys! Life has been so crazy lately, and it's hard to find a balance between maintaining good grades, having social interaction, church, AND finding time to do the things you love (like blogging)! It is currently 2 a.m., and I am sitting in the glow of my laptop typing away, because that's how much I love you guys! I hope everyone is doing well, and thriving; hopefully avoiding all of this sickness going around! I know that's difficult with Missouri weather!
As I was thinking of ideas for my next post it hit me that I never actually explained the title I chose for the site, and what made me choose it. First of all, as most of you know my name is Hannah.... now I will admit that most of the time I really don't like having that name (as some of you may have heard me complain about). However, after I learned the meaning of it and applied it to my life, it kind of grew on me.
The meaning of the name Hannah is.... favor or grace. As a child it was always a running joke between my family that my name meant grace, and I was not graceful even the least little bit. No joke, I'm the kind of person that can trip over air. Just this week in an attempt to turn my heat down in the middle of the night WITHOUT turning the light on (mistake number 1), I fell back onto my bed and landed on my hand bent backwards. As a result, I've dealt with a swollen and bruised hand, and an embarrassing explanation most of the week. Which honestly probably could have been avoided had I just turned the light on, but hindsight is 20/20 right? So one day I'm just like I may have grace, BUT it's reckless grace!

Now just because your name isn't Hannah, does not mean that this statement can not apply to your life. Ya see, that's kind of how we all live our lives. NO one is perfect, instead we are all striving for it. So everyday we are living our reckless lives, taking comfort in knowing that our graceful Father will forgive us. 2 Corinthians 12:9 says that God's grace is sufficient for us! I don't know about you, but isn't that so comforting? No matter what we've done His grace is sufficient. It is enough! It also goes on to say that His power is made perfect in weakness. He expects us to have flaws, and it is in those flaws that his power shines through!
Sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.
Romans 6:14

When I was younger I heard a message preached that has stuck in my mind all these years, and sustained me through many failures. The message was about the blemished sheep. We've all heard about the spotless lamb, and how it was used as a sacrifice; but what about the lamb with spot or blemish? That lamb gets to live! It still gives me chill bumps to this day! All because of God's grace, we get to live! He says no we don't have to die in our sin, we do no have to be a slave to it either! He says my grace is sufficient, and you get to live! God's love and forgiveness has nothing to do with who we are, or anything we've done. It has everything to do with who He is, and that He died on a cross!
By all means, the two words reckless and grace should not even be grouped together. They form an oxy-moron. Reckless is messy and ugly, while grace is clean and beautiful. That's the difference between us and our Savior. We are given our own free will to live as recklessly as we choose, AND then we are shown grace and mercy. We tend to take this for granted, and time and time again He graces our broken blemished lives with His beautiful presence, and gives us a second chance.

For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
Romans 3:23
I hope I was able to encourage someone, and share a little bit about how Reckless Grace came to be! Just remember that no matter how discouraged you feel or how it may feel you've been too reckless for God to care; that is NEVER the case! Let Him in and let him show you His grace.
Thanks for reading, and subscribing to my site! As always I appreciate every single one of you, I would not be up this late for just anyone! XoXo