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Breaking Bad Habits

Hello to all! I hope everyone is doing well, and enjoying Spring Break, or if you haven't yet I hope it is full of fun times! Mine was spent cleaning and doing homework! Gotta love those grown-up "vacations"!

I'm just going to be transparent with you guys in this post. Keep it real with you all! Because I want you guys to know the real parts of me, and know that I'm not just posting things that don't matter to me just for views! I want to be honest about real life! And I know you guys want to read something and be able to tell "hey yeah that girl knows how it is!" Who likes fake? So in the spirit of keeping it real, let me just say; I've been avoiding sitting down to write. I just haven't been in a super positive, uplifting "bloggy" place! It is literally SO easy to fall into the rut of everyday life, and not even pay attention to how the things we do everyday affects us and even others!

If you are like me, sometimes happiness does not come so naturally to you. Relationships, friendships, obligations, homework, jobs, kids...eek! I feel my chest getting tighter just typing this! All of these things pile on and pile on until it literally takes all of our energy to even crack a smile! Tell me I'm not alone on this! It can even be bigger things like depression, anxiety, heart hurt from unexpected places. These are all VERY real things that we face every single day. So the million dollar question is... How do we fix this feeling? Or at least, How do we temporarily rise above it? The answer is HABITS.


Now , I know most of the time when someone says "habits" you automatically go to nail biting, smoking, twisting the ends of your hair (I'm guilty of this and it drives my mom CRAZY!) and the list goes on!

What I'm talking a bout goes a little deeper though! I mean make waking up and RIGHT THEN deciding to have a great day, a habit! Make a habit of trading out the latest Pop music for something encouraging and uplifting.

Music is a BIG thing for me! I absolutely love music, and sometimes I get sucked in to those sappy dreary songs. Before I know it I'm in a terrible mood and just feel blah. I find myself sulking around with 0 motivation (keeping it real). I have made it a HABIT to listen to AIR1 on my drive to school or home from school or while I'm getting ready. This simple change does wonders for my outlook of the day!

Something as small as little habits form into your character. So what you're thinking is just a small quirk is actually building up to make you who you are. Make yourself something AMAZING! You have that power! What is it they say? It takes 21 days to make something a habit? Well, imagine how our lives would change if the forever habits we were making were noting but positivity! Surrounding ourselves with good people, devotions, uplifting music, are simple ways to make a change in the right direction. WE ARE WHAT WE REPEATEDLY DO!


Bad habits are like comfortable beds, easy to get into, but hard to get out of! That's why we have to work so very hard against the crud in this world.


"Do not be conformed to this world, but be ye transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

Romans 12:2


My mind needs CONSTANT renewal! Filter out the bad and replace it with better! Sometimes filters get clogged up and take a little extra oomph to clean out! Anyways, I hope this helped some folks like me! Or hey, I may have only been talking to me! Either way, I urge you to ponder on what you're making a habit! I appreciate those who have stuck with me and take time out of their day to read my posts! You guys mean the world to me!

*I did not create the pictures I used *

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