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Tighten Your Ponytail and Try Again Darlin'

At this point in the New Year all those ambitions and resolutions probably seem long gone. The closet still isn't cleaned out, you haven't raised your grades (moved up at your job), saving money hasn't went too great, and of course you have yet to drop those 50 pounds. That is perfectly okay! However, it is not okay to give up!

Personally, I have started easing healthier habits into my everyday lifestyle. It is my hope to offer you some encouragement, and uplifting! I know how important it is to have the right support system, and any amount of negativity can drive us right back to that bag of potato chips in front of Netflix binge watching crime shows (guilty).

First of all, I feel it very important to state I AM IN NO WAY A HEALTH/FITNESS EXPERT! I am a normal person (well somewhat), just like you! With that being said, take into consideration, you're normal too. Have normal standards for yourself. An important step to that "new you" you're aspiring to is Setting Realistic Goals... Don't jump right into a no carb, gluten free, sugarless, tasteless diet. Odds are that will get old REAL quick. Instead, just try cutting out a few things such as junk food and/or sodas. Even lessening portion sizes will do wonders! These simple changes will immediately improve how you feel. An important thing to keep in mind is NO one is perfect. If you slip up, there's this cool thing called a "do over". Each morning is a second chance, don't let it go to waste! You got this!


Eggplant Lasagna


2 Large Eggplant

1 TBSP Olive Oil

1 Onion (minced)

1 TSP Basil

1 TSP Oregano

1 24 OZ. Jar of Marinara

1 16 OZ Ricotta

1/2 Cup Parmesan

1 Egg

3 TBSP Parsley

4 Cups Mozzarella


1. Preheat oven to 400.

2. Cut off ends of eggplant and discard, slice the rest thinly (longwise).

3. Lay slices in one layer across paper towels. Salt one side and let sit 20 minutes. Pat the excess water off after the 20 minutes is up. Flip, and repeat.

4. In large pan heat oil, and sauté garlic over medium heat. Add onions, basil, and oregano. Cook until onions are done. They will be translucent. Add Marinara, and cook until warmed through.

5. In a medium bowl, combine ricotta, parmesan, egg, and parsley.

6. In a 9x13 casserole dish spread a thin layer of marinara mixture, a single layer of eggplant, a layer of ricotta mixture, then a layer of mozzarella. Repeat layers.

7. On the last layer top with eggplant, marinara, mozzarella, and parmesan.

8. Cover with foil and bake 35 minutes.

9. Uncover and bake additional 5 minutes until browned.

~ To be extra healthy use low fat cheese~


Don't just stop at healthier eating habits my friend! Take it a step further and Exercise! I know how scary that word can be, but I believe in you! The same rules apply to exercise... Choose a routine that's best for you. Only YOU know what YOU can handle, and you should not start out with something super difficult that's going to kill your body the next day and make you want to quit.

A little progress each day can add to big results! The good thing is, you can always add to, or increase what you're already doing. For example: if you feel like you've reached the place where 20 squats is a piece of cake ( I know, cruel irony right?) bump it up to 30 , and so on. When things start getting difficult, learn how to rest... NOT quit! Don't quit until you're proud of your accomplishments! Just remember to not be so hard on yourself. We tend to be our own worse critics. Keep a positive mindset. Positive and uplifting music is a great addition to any workout.


"She dresses herself with strength & makes her arms strong."

Proverbs 31:17 ESV



I know I have rambled on and on about health and exercise, but there is something more that I hope you take away from this... and that is radiating positivity and never giving up. These traits tend to get lost in the busyness of everyday life. Sadly it is SO much easier to just throw in the towel, and often times this leads to a bad attitude and negative vibes all the way around pretty much. I urge you from now on, before you give up , picture how far you will get if you don't.

You can do all things through Christ! (Philippians 4:13) It is never His will for you to give up, instead He created you to be VICTORIOUS! Victorious is only unachievable when you make the decision to stop moving forward.

In 2 Kings, chapter 5 there is a story of a man named Naaman. Naaman was told by a prophet to wash in The River Jordan 7 times and he would be healed. Now, I don't know about you, but by the 5th time I would more than likely begin to question if it was going to happen for me. However, by not giving up look what Naaman received! Total healing!

I hope I was able to encourage someone, and feel free to contact me if you are ever feeling down and in need of encouraging or even if you just need someone to talk to! We are supposed to lift one another up, not tear one another down. If you do fail just tighten your ponytail and try again darlin'!

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